Our medical team performs spay and neuter services for cats, dogs, and rabbits. Prior to any non-emergency procedure that will be performed under anesthesia, we require that the patient has been seen by one of our veterinarians within the last 4 months for a comprehensive physical examination. Dogs and cats must be current on their Rabies vaccinations prior to hospitalization. Because not all physical abnormalities can be detected simply by examination, we also recommend pre-anesthetic blood testing. This may include a PCV, BUN and serum protein test, or a full blood chemistry panel. Depending on your pet’s age and overall health, additional testing such as a blood pressure check, ECG, or chest radiographs may also be recommended. These diagnostic tests give us a more complete picture of your pet’s health and also allow us to tailor an anesthetic protocol that is individualized for your pet.
Most surgical and dental patients receive an inhaled (gas) anesthesia called isoflurane. Some patients (depending on the procedure and the health of the animal) may receive an injectable anesthetic such as KVIV (ketamine and valium.) Pain medication is typically given prior to or during the procedure and administered during recovery – this may include injectable medications, oral medications, or laser therapy. Most of our surgical patients – including those pets that have been spayed or neutered – and dental patients that have had teeth extracted, will also be discharged with pain medication for you to administer to the pet at home.
Our modern surgical equipment includes machines that allow us to constantly monitor your pet’s vital signs including ECG (the electrical activity of the heart,) blood pressure, heart rate, and core body temperature, as well as respiratory rate & oxygen level.
Surgical and dental patients are intubated by one of our veterinarians or licensed veterinary technicians, and maintained under general anesthesia under the supervision of one of our technicians or veterinary assistants. The medical team monitors the animal throughout the procedure and keeps the operating veterinarian apprised at all times – from anesthesia induction to recovery – of your pet’s vital signs and condition.
What is a spay?
Spaying refers to the surgical procedure – more specifically, an ovariohysterectomy – performed on female dogs and cats to prevent their ability to reproduce. During this procedure, both the ovaries and uterus are completely removed.
There are many benefits to spaying your female pet, including the following:
- You will contribute to the prevention of overpopulation.
- The animal’s heat cycle will stop, eliminating the production of the pheromones that attract male dogs or cats to your house from miles away!
- You will help reduce or eliminate the likelihood of reproductive system diseases in your pet such as pyometra (a potentially fatal infection in the uterus) and mammary cancer.
What is a neuter?
Neutering – the removal of both the male animal’s testicles – refers to the surgical procedure performed on male dogs and cats to prevent the ability to reproduce.
The benefits to neutering your male pet include the following:
- You will contribute to the prevention of overpopulation.
- Neutering will minimize or eliminate undesirable behaviors such as aggression and roaming.
- You will help reduce or eliminate the risk of diseases such as prostate cancer and testicular cancer.