Vaccinations are an important part of your pet’s preventive health care plan, and they are a safe and effective way to protect pets and people from serious diseases. “Core” vaccines – such as rabies and distemper – are those which are recommended for most pets, because they protect from diseases which are most common; non-core vaccines such as feline leukemia, lepto, and bordetella, are given only to those animals with unique or particular needs. Rabies vaccinations are required by law* in many areas, and some non-core vaccinations may also be required when you are taking your pet to a boarding kennel or groomer, or traveling with your pet overseas.
Puppies and kittens need a series of vaccinations starting at six to eight weeks of age, but adult dogs and cats also need regular vaccinations in order to maintain immunity. Approximately once a year, we will ask you to fill out a Disease Risk Assessment questionnaire for your cat or dog; this allows our veterinarians to help you determine the best vaccination plan to protect your pet throughout its life. You can download the risk assessment form for your cat or dog from our forms page. If you have any questions about vaccinations, please contact us!
*Pet licensing is done yearly through the Nebraska Humane Society. Licenses are due on January 1st, and the deadline is March 15th. You will need a copy of your pet’s current Rabies vaccination certificate in order to license your pet. Licensing services are not available at our office; however, we can provide you with licensing forms, and are happy to email or fax Rabies certificates directly to the NHS on your behalf, at your request. More information about pet licensing can be found on the NHS website at this link: Licensing Your Pet. You may also contact the NHS licensing department via email at