The most important feature of Bellevue Animal Hospital is our professional staff. Our five veterinarians have over 95 years of combined experience in surgery, diagnostics, nutrition, dentistry, and wellness care.  We emphasize continuing education. Our veterinarians and veterinary technicians regularly attend professional conferences to learn about the latest developments in veterinary medicine and pet welfare. This enables us to provide the best possible care for our patients and to assist you in making informed health care decisions for your pets.

Dr. Linda Rock-Paul

Dr. Linda Rock-Paul

Dr. Rock-Paul graduated from the Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine in May 1992, and joined our practice team the following month. She currently serves as our Support Staff Director. She is a member of the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA,) the American Association of Feline Practitioners (AAFP,) the Nebraska Veterinary Medical Association (NVMA) and AAHA, as well as past president of the Nebraska Academy of Veterinary Medicine (NAVM.)

Dr. Rock-Paul and her husband Vic Paul have two children, Stephanie and Jonathon. Dr. Rock-Paul has served as a Girl Scouts leader for many years and is a past president of the Dundee Elementary School PTA. She is past co-president of the Omaha Central Band Parents committee, and a former member of the UNL ADPi parent advisory committee.

Dr. Rock-Paul’s current four-legged family includes four Puggles named Rocky, Moose, Zoey and Honey; two cats named Papaya Fruit Loop and Salem Noodle (as well as a grandcat named Louie); one rabbit named Chief; and two Sulcata tortoises named Scooter and Emmit. Her special interests include exotic medicine and soft tissue surgery.

Dr. Tammy Pfeiffer

Dr. Tammy Pfeiffer

Dr. Pfeiffer graduated from Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine in 1993. She is a member of the AVMA, AAHA, and the Nebraska Veterinary Medical Association (NVMA.) She is also a board member of Kansas State University Pet Tribute. On her days off, she helps to deliver Meals on Wheels, and she also helps us keep our landscaping and outdoor decor looking beautiful. She is married to husband Mike Wilkins and has a cat named Leila.

Her special interests include surgery, internal medicine, and endoscopy. She also sees exotic animals and performs abdominal ultrasounds.

Dr. Aaron Truax

Dr. Aaron L. Truax

Dr. Truax graduated from the Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine in 2000. He is a member of the AVMA and AAHA. He is a veterinary representative to the Omaha Metropolitan Medical Response System and is a member of the NAHERC (National Animal Health Emergency Response Corp). The NAHERC is a veterinary group, through the USDA, that responds to local, regional, national, and international disasters involving animals.

Dr. Truax’s family includes wife Kami; two sons, Hayden and Grayson; a Golden Retriever named Kallie; and a Border Collie mix, Libby. Granddog Millie, a Golden Retriever, joined the family pack in December 2020.  Dr. Truax’s hobbies include woodworking, gardening, and outings with his children. Dr. Truax also practices Aikido (a Japanese martial art that couples martial arts defense with the use of the Katana Sword) and in July 2018 he attained the rank of Shodan or first degree black belt.  His special interests include cardiology, cardiac ultrasound, and orthopedic surgery.

Dr. Celene Oglesbee

Dr. Oglesbee and Mjolnir

Dr. Oglesbee, originally from Des Moines, Iowa, moved to Omaha in 2018 after graduating from Iowa State University College of Veterinary Medicine. She loves all things feline and is a Feline Friendly Certified Practitioner through the Feline Veterinary Medical Association (formerly AAFP, the American Association of Feline Practitioners.) Dr. Oglesbee also practices Fear Free Medicine and is Fear Free Practitioner Certified.

In her spare time, Dr. Oglesbee enjoys crafting, amateur photography, and roller skating. She also enjoys spending time with her husband Luke, daughter Kirby, and three rambunctious cats: Muezza, Mjolnir, and Mr. Breakfast.