Beautiful senior patient Bailey, a Chow mix.
“Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog!” – Sydney Jeanne Seward
Everybody loves an adorable puppy or kitten, but there’s nothing more precious than the love and companionship of a senior pet. As your pet ages, it’s important to keep in mind that he or she needs more frequent physical exams and additional diagnostic tests: the best kind of health care for seniors is preventive!
Many diseases to which older pets are susceptible are either preventable with the proper preemptive care, or can be easily managed if detected in the earliest stages. We recommend that older pets visit their veterinarian at least twice a year, starting at about age 10 for cats and age 8 for dogs. Catching any problems early – before they become serious – often means they will be easier and less expensive to treat or manage.

Senior cat Harry Potter says “Respect your elders!”
Dogs and cats age 4 to 5 times faster than human beings and as a result, health problems can progress much more rapidly. Ironically, because our pets are living longer today, they are increasingly suffering from many of the same chronic diseases that affect humans: cancer, diabetes, kidney failure, liver and intestinal disorders, arthritis, vision problems, behavioral issues related to cognitive disorders, and dental disease. Fortunately, today there are many ways we can treat these conditions, improving your pet’s well-being and quality of life! Proper nutrition and a regular exercise plan, tailored to an older animal’s needs and abilities, can also be of great benefit to their health.
To learn more about health care for your sweet senior, you can visit the AVMA’s webpage on Senior Pet Care, or download one of our Senior Wellness Info forms below. Please feel free to call our office at any time with questions, we’re happy to be of service!
Wellness Information & Senior Check-up Forms: